To earn 40 points for the midterm, you will need to increase your Average WPM by 40 while reaching an Average Comprehension of 70%

[[code]] Reading Speed Calculator
Change in average words per minute (WPM) between your entry rate and the midterm
Use a negative sign if the WPM is less than when you started:

Average Percent Correct for the midterm:



1 comment:

  1. There are two formulas.
    The reason that you need a sheet is that there is a bonus built in that ignores the formula.
    Comprehension points
    70% is 20/20
    60% 14/20
    50% 12
    40% 10
    30% 08
    20% 06
    10% 04/20

    10 + (x-40)/5
    with a bonus for 70%
    rate increase in WPM
    40 is 20
    all the rest are wpm/2 -1

    38 is 18
    34 is 16
    30/2 -1 = 14
    26/2 - 1 =12
    22/2 -1 = 10
    18/2 -1 =8
    14/2 -1 = 6
    10/2 -1 =4
    6/2 -1 =2​
