CBEST Writing - preparation and practice

The links go to archived copies on the WayBack Machine, formerly managed by the Library of Congress. If they are loading too slowly, you may want to copy and paste the link you see into your browser. CSUNS's collection of past prompts is here: 

Personal Essay

Scored CSU Humboldt has a graduation writing requirement, so these https://gwpe.humboldt.edu/sample-personal-experience-essays are Californian written, but not specifically for the CBEST (Here are more ideas for the personal narrative that asks me to compare my life to something that I have read.)

Anticipating topics - which to embrace and which to avoid  https://writing.colostate.edu/guides/page.cfm?pageid=398&guideid=20  https://examsam.com/cbest-practice-test/ 

Template - outline https://www.houstonisd.org/cms/lib2/TX01001591/Centricity/Domain/26063/Narrative%20%20Essay%20Outline-3-6-8.pdf

This has instant practice on correcting sentences, along with grammatical rationales in support of the best answer.


This is a riff on one of the scored essays from Humboldt State.

I like tea. The best tea is from Ceylon.
There are many mountains in Ceylon.

Combining sentences:    The tea that I like the best comes from the mountains in Ceylon.
More practice here: https://gato-docs.its.txstate.edu/jcr:6c3b7672-4d1e-4173-844d-93ce35cb7904/Sentence%20Combining%20Part%20One.pdf

Ideas and past essay topics:
  • when the world seemed to stand still for you
  • consider President Kennedy's quote's and in what way it could affect you to take an action: Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.
JFK's speech viewable here,  exemplifies antimetabole, a rhetorical device that brings the listener to a precipice of anticipation by repeating sets of words in a slightly different order.



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