CSET Subtest 4

Communications: Speech, Media, and Creative Performance
  1. Identify and interpret situational data.
  2. Speculate on which factors support a problem solving approach using a solution drawn from three proposed options.
  3. Propose and support why your approach to improving weak written communication will work.








  1. Describe one strategy the speaker could use in adapting to that audience response
  2. Describe a strategy for determining whether a news source is credible in terms of objectivity, balance, thoroughness.
  3. Speculate why a particular rehearsal strategy may help actors learn to coordinate movements and speech at a faster rate.
  4. Propose and evaluate which revision will best improve a student writing sample.

7 sentences:One type of audience response that might occur during a speech or presentation is heckling by a hostile audience member. The primary strategy the speaker should use is  

For example,


can sometimes 

should appeal to 

To the extent that a heckler is unreasonable and disruptive while the speaker remains calm and patient, the audience is likely to feel increased respect for the speaker.

 5 sentences: One characteristic of reliable and credible news reporting is balance.  A balanced news story presents 

For example,  

One strategy

Balanced coverage provides a clear and complete presentation of facts from reliable sources and does not appear to favor one viewpoint or faction over another. 

8 sentences: One type of revision the student could make would be 

For example,

The student could 

At the same time, 

In addition,

Such descriptions would

the student says...without specifying

The presentation would be much more effective if the student described one specific lesson.           


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